Friday, March 27, 2015

Good Days

I've been working five days a week pretty steadily since January, having off only March break and a few professional days. Though this may sound strange since, after all, doesn't everyone work five days a week and not get other days off??

But I am a supply teacher. I work on call, as needed, and of course am not needed when school is not in session. This works for me, as I enjoy the variety. And yesterday was one such day of variety - for I did not get a call to work.

After full-on five-day weeks, I rather enjoyed the day off (though, of course, it was an unpaid day off).  I like to write about things I get done, things I do, because then I see that I do accomplish things, whereas if I do not write it down, I feel like I've really not done anything at all!

So, my lovely day yesterday included:

  • laundry (several loads as I washed my workout clothes separately)
  • cleaning the fridge (pulling it out away from the wall, cleaning behind it, taking out the drawers and really giving it a good cleaning under the drawers and on all shelves)
  • walking around China Town a bit
  • starting a new crochet square for my yearly afghan CAL (I decided to do this one  - Pizzazz- a free square pattern designed by Melinda Miller over at
  • taking Dexter for a walk

Ah, it was a nice and relaxing day. Today is Friday - I have work today and today, too, shall be a good day.

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