Thursday, January 4, 2018

Reflections: on my Changing Spirituality

It's easy for me to get into a rut, and feel like my life has hit a plateau; but that's because changes have maybe been subtle rather than huge (I never got married, never had kids - the two biggest life-changers for my contemporaries). Maybe someway, I do feel left behind a bit. But, I realized I have changed in many profound if subtle ways over the years.

Spirituality - I think this might be my biggest change, and it was gradual, but significant. I used to be an adamant atheist. Then a Buddhist but still sort of atheist and with a very definite contempt, fear and loathing of organized religion. And now? I am very, very spiritual. I believe in angels, spirit guides, and the power of the Universe. And I am very open to where those messages come from - sometimes from the Universe, sometimes from a Christian preacher like Joyce Meyer, and sometimes from a Spirit Junkie like Gabrielle Bernstein.

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