Sunday, April 12, 2015

Great Early-Season Hike in Gatineau Park

I meant to post yesterday (Saturday), but was, alas, far too lazy. I was tired, sluggish and unmotivated after a day of sitting around pretty much doing nothing but watching endless hours of television. Why? It was really windy, kinda chilly. I overate, was really not feeling great.

Today, though, that is another story. I had made plans with Jivka - a hiking friend who I met through - to get out for an early season hike in Gatineau Park. I am glad I did - the weather was perfect for spring, being sunny and warm at 10 degrees above zero in the late morning. I worked up a sweat.

We didn't get onto the real trails due to snow cover and other obstacles, and stayed instead on the Lac Fortune parkway, which is closed to traffic during the winter. It was still snow covered, and we annoyed a few skiers with our presence, but as the trails are no longer being groomed for skiers as it is April, the trails are open to all. When one annoyed skier commnented that we were ruining their trails, Jivka said politely, "On partage."

And, indeed, on partage. I am happy to share the trails with skiers and bikers. I just love seeing folks out enjoying the fine weather and doing something healthy.

Oh, so our route today was a simple one. We parked at P10, and walked up to the Shilly Shally shelter, stopped for lunch and then back to the cars. Round trip was just over 7 km. I've mapped it on Map My Run.


And, a couple of photos:

Me and Jivka. I look like a weirdo!

Lac Fortune Parkway in snow

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