Bad Luck
About two weeks ago I was running my electric lawnmower with a less-than-perfect (to say the least!!) extension cord and, alas, I totally fried the switch. I honestly, in retrospect, should have stopped mowing when I had to keep jiggling the cord to ensure a power supply. That was a tip that the cord was not in good enough condition to be using. Oh, and also, it had been repaired with electrical tape in multiple spots over the past twenty years.
So, no lawn mower.
Good Luck
I asked my aunt to watch when she went to garage sales for a mower. She called me later, letting me know that her friend's brother had a mower and we could have it, free of charge.
Bad Luck
That friend dropped off the mower yesterday, and none too soon. My lawn was beginning to look unkempt and ragged. Awful. So I fired up the mower first thing this morning, using a new cord, of course, and it worked great!
For three minutes! Then the thing just stopped. Dead.
I borrowed my aunt's mower, as this lawn could wait no longer, and I will watch for mowers when I do my garage sales on Saturday.
Good Luck
Other fortuitous things happened this week. One is that the new neighbors to the right of us want to cut the way-too-tall hedges. At no charge to us!! YAY! I've been wanting those things cut for ages. I'm looking forward to a nicer view of the sky again.
And another good luck thing - yesterday morning as I was going through my favourite red checked bag looking for lip balm I found a forgotten $20 bill! I used that to buy Sunday's post hike wine :)
And there we go. The good outweighs the bad. And if I do have to buy a new mower, I'll get one at Walmart.
So there!
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