Tuesday, June 9, 2015

My Plant Garden

On Saturday, June 6, Aylmer Horticultural Society hosted their annual plant sale. I swung by after exhausting myself at garage sales and picked up three new perennials for my back corner garden.

I had no idea about the plants I was buying until I looked them up when I got home. I bought a "pulmonaire", which is, apparently, lungwort, and grows well in the shade. I bought a persicaria virginiana, aka Painter's Palette, which will have colourful foliage, be good ground cover and have nice flowers in fall. And, finally, I got an "Onagre", which I discovered is the French name (since I'm in Quebec) for Oenothera biennis. Which is maybe also the common evening primrose!

My little corner garden
I planted them on Sunday, but that was before I knew my pulmonaire was a shade plant and good ground cover, so I will replant when the mood takes me!

I also separated a couple of my smaller hosta plants, and dug up a few day lilies, and replanted to fill in bald spots and replace weeds.

Now, I am not at all an experienced gardener, and just basically do everything willy-nilly, but it seems to be working out pretty well. At least, I'm very happy with it!

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