Friday, November 11, 2016

Autumn Hiking - Camp Fortune to Huron

Leading hikes and just getting out and about has been a little tougher since I started working full-time. Not impossible, mind you, and actually, now that I've got a regular schedule, I'd say it's even easier.

I did take a 3-week hiatus from hiking until I could find my rhythm, but I'm back to it, and it felt great to see my usual hikers last Saturday as well as some new faces.

On Saturday, October 5th, I led a group of 21 hikers (and one dog) on some lesser-used, muddy and fun trails up to Etienne Brule lookout and then Huron cabin for a break.

Our route was: Park at Camp Fortune. Take trails #9 and #3 to Etienne Brule, then trail #1 to Huron, then continue on #1,#4 and #14 back to the cars.

There seems to be some construction going on on trail #9, probably Camp Fortune making new ski trails, so you have to be careful to stay on the trail and not accidentally wander off onto the newly-made (and ugly) trails.

We did not get lost, though, and a good time was had by all.

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